
Upgrade macbook pro hard drive to bigger one
Upgrade macbook pro hard drive to bigger one

There are three questions, I am not sure whether another MacBook Pro's SSD would work on the 2018 version and that is 2 TB, because it might be available, that I can, or someone else (Perhaps Linus ?) could put the SSD into the socket, so how the old SSD is secured, and how to actually get the SSD and put it in the socket without breaking. I did some research on the internet saying that it is, or may be possible, to upgrade a MacBook Pro 2018's SSD, but the SSD is proprietary (I'm not sure whether I spelled the word right.) so I cannot get the SSD if Apple doesn't sell it to me and that there would be no reason to buy another Apple laptop's SSD just for this one.

upgrade macbook pro hard drive to bigger one upgrade macbook pro hard drive to bigger one

I want the 2 TB or 4TB storage, but the cost has kept me at bay.

Upgrade macbook pro hard drive to bigger one